2023 Data Trends Report of HERS Rated Homes
In 2022, HERS Raters rated nearly 338,000 homes. This represents an 8 percent increase over the number of ratings in 2021 and marks a decade of year-over-year increase in HERS ratings. The average HERS Index in 2022 was 58, representing a 42 percent improvement in efficiency over a home built in 2006. Since 2013, the average HERS index score has decreased by five points. Eighty percent of all homes rated last year were one- and two-family dwellings and 20 percent were multi-family units.
2021 Trends in HERS-Rated Homes
In 2021, over 313,153 homes were HERS Rated using RESNET Standards. This is the most in one year and increases the total number of rated homes to over 3.3 million. This article dives into the data from 240,000 of those rated homes.
Continuous Insulation Resource Guide
A collection of helpful FACTS Sheets and Quick Guides for code-compliant applications of foam plastic insulating sheathing (FPIS).
Building America: Continuous Insulation
Includes information on related codes and standards requirements, and criteria to meet national programs such as DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Home program, ENERGY STAR Certified Homes, and Indoor airPLUS.
Guidelines for Participating in the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Program
DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes are verified by a qualified third-party and are at least 40%-50% more energy efficient than a typical new home. The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home is a compelling way to recognize builders for their leadership in increasing energy efficiency, improving indoor air quality, and making homes zero energy ready.
RESNET Recognizes New Group of EnergySmart Builders
Continuous insulation makes achieving higher HERS rating scores much easier. These builders have committed to having all their homes rated to RESNET’s stringent energy efficiency standards.
Air Sealing - Code Requirements
The IECC provides a checklist for prescriptively meeting air sealing requirements. Requirements for blower door testing are also given
Using Foam as an Air Barrier
Air sealing is an important factor in reducing energy usage. Find resources for using foam sheathing as part of an air barrier assembly here.
For more information on individual FPIS products, visit members of the Foam Sheathing Committee (FSC) of the American Chemistry Council.