What's New

A listing of the site's newest resources.


Advantages of using foam plastic insulating sheathing (FPIS) continuous insulation (ci).

FACTS Sheets

A collection of distilled guides on various aspects and benefits of FPIS ci.

Quick Guides

A library of concise, "how to" guides that cover specific FPIS ci application issues.

Frequently-Asked Questions

Common questions about foam plastic insulating sheathing (FPIS).

Plan Review & Inspection Resources for Foam Sheathing & CI (2021 I-Codes)

Streamlined resources for efficient code compliance determination.

Tax Incentives

Overview of recent provisions designed to save builders and homeowners money on measures that improve overall energy efficiency of new residential construction, existing homes, and commercial buildings.

Case Studies

Projects using FPIS ci in a variety of applications.

Code References

A comprehensive listing of references to foam sheathing in the model building codes, along with code adoption resources for your project location


Key standards for foam sheathing and applications of foam sheathing referenced by the building codes, sorted by application

Research & Education

Research reports, educational presentations, and other building science resources. 

Installation Guidance

Illustrated guidance and downloadable resources.

Installation Accessories 

Brief description of typical fastening, sealing, and flashing products used with foam sheathing.


Building science news articles related to the use of FPIS ci.