Continuous insulation is an excellent addition to foundations. By isolating the foundation from the ground, foam plastic insulating sheathing limits thermal bridging and improves building performance, both from an energy standpoint as well as moisture management. All of this means greater building efficiency and occupant comfort.
This gives an overview of value-added application of rigid foam sheathing to basement walls.
This standard is a code referenced guide for designing and constructing cost-effective and energy-efficient foundations using foam plastic sheathing.
Code-compliant details for the use of foam sheathing as thermal insulation in light frame construction. Available as a sealed code compliance report.
This guide produced for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development initiated modern recognition of frost-protected shallow foundations in the U.S. – ultimately resulting in building code acceptance and development of the ASCE 32 standard.
To assist U.S. home builders, remodelers and trade contractors in the design, construction, and code approval of frost protected shallow foundations. This is an updated and more user friendly version of the HUD guide above.
What’s the best way to insulate a slab-on-grade foundation?
Provides information and construction details concerning thermal protection, subdrainage, waterproofing, vapor controls, structural requirements, radon control, and termite damage prevention when constructing or renovating residential or small commercial projects.
Comprehensive guide from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on “durability” in construction, or the ability of a material, system, or building to maintain its intended function for its intended life-expectancy with intended levels of maintenance in intended conditions of use.