Walls using foam plastic insulating sheathing can meet all structural code requirements with simple specification and planning.
Top Resources:
- IRC Wood Wall Bracing Calculator
- FACTS: “Right-Sized” Wall Bracing & Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing (FPIS)
- FACTS: 2x4 vs. 2x6 Walls
- IRC Wall Bracing: A Guide for Builders, Designers and Plan Reviewers
- Residential Structural Design Guide: 2000 Edition
- Prescriptive Wall Bracing Video - These timestamps will help you navigate the content:
This resource boils down the possibilities to “right-size” wall bracing for optimal wall designs that also make use of the many benefits and capabilities of FPIS. View the full FACTS Sheet Library.
A tool designed to simplify and assist in complying with the complexities of the International Residential Code’s (IRC) wall bracing provisions while making it easier to consider various code-compliant wall bracing options for an optimal wall assembly design.
There are many acceptable ways to mount and detail windows for support and weather resistance. This page provides window installation instructions based on research conducted on walls with continuous insulation.
The code compliant use of FPIS for energy code applications requires consideration of other factors such as appropriate methods for connection of claddings through FPIS materials of various thicknesses and various substrates.
Learn how to get the most bang for your buck with FPIS ci.
This guide provides designers, code officials and builders a basic understanding of how to apply the IRC bracing provisions for code-compliant dwellings and how the IRC bracing provisions can be used to create maximum value in a diverse housing market.
Simpson Strong-Tie developed this quick and easy tool to help calculate the required length of wall bracing in accordance with the IRC. The tool provides printed output of the bracing requirements along with a summary of input information and factors used in the calculations.
HUD's state-of-the-art review and application of engineering information for light-frame homes, apartments, and townhouses, this text is an initial effort to document and improve the unique structural engineering knowledge related to housing design and performance.
ANSI/ABTG FS200.1 – 2022 contains a wealth of practical and actionable guidance for code-compliant use of foam sheathing on above-grade walls. This comprehensive resource is aimed at meeting the needs of designers, builders, installers, manufacturers, and code officials. Learn more here or download a copy.
ANSI/ABTG FS 100-2012 (R2018) establishes wind pressure resistance requirements for foam plastic insulating sheathing (FPIS) products used as exterior wall sheathing,
In the Aug/Sept 2022 issue of Fine Homebuilding, Fernando Pagés Ruiz discusses how he omitted the OSB on this spec home to save money, while still making sure his build had reliable structural quality.
Wall bracing is a common source of confusion and misapplication although it is of critical importance when designing, performing plan review, building or inspecting a structure. This full-color illustrative guide was developed to help building designers, builders, building officials and others using the code in the application of the lateral bracing requirements of the 2018 International Residential Code® (IRC). The authors identify and explain the key elements of wall bracing and demystify the IRC prescriptive bracing provisions.
This Simpson Strong-Tie technical bulletin is for use with the 2012, 2015 or 2018 International Residential Code (IRC). It provides information about the Simpson Strong-Tie products that meet the connector and anchorage requirements for braced wall panels constructed in accordance with IRC Section R602.10.4
This report covers calculation of lateral values for single dowel type fastener connections to wood framing using a generalized and expanded form of the NDS yield limit equations that allows for a 'gap' in the connection for foam sheathing.
Includes information on the compressive strength of Polyiso.
Information on the compressive strength of several types of EPS.
Includes information on the strength properties of several types of XPS.